Ladies’ Ministry Spring Brunch
Join us for a morning of fellowship and a devotional given by Rebecca Rodriguez on June 1st!
Please RSVP in the church lobby by May 25th.

Men's Ministry Breakfast
Ridgeway Church Men's Ministry Breakfast
We invite you to the Ridgeway Church Men's Breakfast on Saturday, May 4th, 2024. Join us for a delicious breakfast, meaningful discussions, and fellowship as brothers in faith!
Please RSVP to Mike Anzovino: mkanzovino@gmail.com
Ridgeway Armonk Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry- Iron Sharpens Iron Conference
Join us for this one-day Equipping Conference with seminars specific to men of all ages and walks of life!
For more information and registration click the link below:
Questions? Email Mike Anzovino:

Resurrection Sunday
Join us in celebrating the resurrection of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on Sunday March 31st at 10:30 am.
'“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. ' Mark 16:6

Good Friday
Join us for a time of reflection and worship as we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross in preparation of Resurrection Sunday.

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, and commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Join us in celebrating this day in history on Sunday, March 24th, at 10:30 am.
'Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, “Hosanna! ” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” ' Mark 11:9

Worship & Prayer Night
Join us as we enter into the Lord's presence for a night of worship and prayer. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care."

The Ridgeway Armonk Giving Tree 2023
This year, lets as a church family help provide a Christmas gift to a child in need from the Coachman Family Center, a homeless shelter for families in White Plains. There are many children in need and you can sign up by following this link.
You can sign up to give to as many children as you would like.
Please keep your gift at a value of $20- $25.
You can bring your UNWRAPPED GIFT to Ridgeway Armonk Church by December 10th. Or drop it off during the Little Sparrows School hours during the week.
You can shop online and have your gift shipped directly to the church. Make sure your item has the name of the child and the gender and age in the shipping info.
Ridgeway Armonk
448 Bedford Road
Armonk, NY 10504
We are also accepting donations for the teenagers in the shelter that are often overlooked during this time of year. If you are so led, please place your donation of any amount in an envelope clearly marked "Giving Tree" in the offering box or give to Cathy Perucci. Checks can be made out to Ridgeway Armonk with "Giving Tree" in the memo field.
Please make sure all gifts are shipped to or dropped at church by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10th.
Questions? Please email edensgarden@ridgewaychurch.com
Need gift ideas? Check out this Amazon Wish List for some ideas: https://a.co/6a1wzOt

Worship & Prayer Night
Mark your calendars for a night of Prayer and Worship in the church sanctuary. There is POWER in praise and prayer. All are welcome. We cannot wait to see you there!

Christmas Extravaganza
This is a free community event for the whole family! There will be crafts, prizes, games, cocoa, coffee, delicious Christmas treats, carols and a Nativity performance. We hope you will join us as we celebrate the beginning of the Christmas Season. Any questions please email Jessica Frey at jessica@ridgewaychurch.com

The Gathering
Join us for a fun night of food, fellowship and worship! A love offering will be taken to cover food cost and to help meet specific needs of our Ridgeway Armonk Worship Ministry. More info on this fun night will be coming soon!

Worship & Prayer Night
Mark your calendars for a night of Prayer and Worship in the church sanctuary. There is POWER in praise and prayer. All are welcome. We cannot wait to see you there!

Ready, Set, Move VBC 2023
SAVE THE DATE for this summer’s VBC experience!
We’re joining Ridgeway White Plains for VBC this summer - from June 26th - June 30th. Kids preschool - 5th grade are eligible to attend, anyone 6th grade+ can volunteer!
Camper registration opens April 1st. Please visit the main events page on the Ridgeway website for the link to register.

Easter Eggstravaganza
You're not going to want to miss this year's Easter Eggstravaganza at Ridgeway Armonk!!
Children of all ages are welcome to join us for an easter egg hunt, crafts, games, and more! The event will be held outside at Ridgeway Armonk weather permitting (it will be held indoors if there is inclement weather). Please RSVP below so we're sure to have enough eggs and candy for all the children coming!
RSVP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4baaae2da4f8c61-easter1

31 Days of Prayer and Fasting
For more information and to sign up to join us, follow this link:

Christmas Eve
Join us for our annual candlelight Christmas Eve service!
Note: There will not be a separate Kids service, but there will be an element of the main service that is just for kids! Families are still encouraged to come all together.

Marriage Ministry Workshop
Make sure to register yourself or for childcare by going to the link above!

Baptism Service
Join us for an all campus baptism service at Ridgeway Armonk!
If you would like to be baptized, feel free to reach out to Pastor Gio at gio@ridgewaychurch.com by November 14th.

Ridgeway Armonk Tree Lighting
Join us after Thanksgiving for our second annual tree lighting event!
We’ll light the whole church as we prepare for the start of the Advent season AND we’ll enjoy some cocoa, cookies, games, and carols as we do it!
You won’t want to miss this fun Christmas event!

Worship Night at Ridgeway Armonk
Join us for a night of worship at our Ridgeway Armonk campus! Let’s gather to give thanks for all the Lord has done for us through worship and prayer.
Childcare is provided - please email armonkcampus@ridgewaychurch.com to register for childcare!

Fall Read Aloud + Craft
Join us for the first seasonal Ridgeway Kidz Read Aloud + Craft! We’ll have Fall themed books and snacks to enjoy. Kids of ALL ages are welcomed.
(Parents/Guardians are asked to remain with kids for the entire hour)

Fall Picnic
Join us for a potluck gathering after service on Sunday, October 9th. We’ll have tables set up with some games and fun prepared!
RSVP here to bring something: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4BAAAE2DA4F8C61-fall

Ridgeway Armonk VBC
Registration is closed for this summer, but stay tuned for our other kids and family events coming the rest of the year!

Youth Group Bake Sale
Help support the youth going to Life Conference this July by purchasing some baked goods in the lobby Sunday, June 5th!

Baptism Service
Join us for an all-campus baptism service in May! If you’d like to get baptized, please reach out to Pastor Joel at pastorjoel@ridgewaychurch.com or Pastor Gio at gio@ridgewaychurch.com

Easter Egg Hunt
Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt open to kids up through 5th grade!
RSVP here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4baaae2da4f8c61-easter

Ridgeway Kidz Read Aloud
Join us for an Elephant and Piggie collection read aloud along with a craft and light refreshments.
Kids of all ages are welcome and parents/guardians are asked to stay with their kids for the entirety of the event!